Acerca de

Utile nelle forme di allergie (APLV) al latte vaccino (APLV) nei neonati e negli adulti.
Carroccio A., Cavataio F., Montalto G., D’Amico D., Alabrese L., Iacono G. 2000. Intolerance to hydrolysed cow’s milk proteins in infants: clinical characteristics and dietary treatment. Journal of Clinical and Expermental Allergy 30(1), 1597-1603.
Swar M.O. 2011. Donkey milk-based formula: A substitute for patients with cow’s milk protein allergy. Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics, 11(2), 21-24.
Polidori P., Ariani A., Vincenzetti S. 2015. Use of Donkey Milk in Cases of Cow’s Milk Protein Allergies. International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition, 4, 174-179.
Sarti L., Martini M., Brajon G., Barni S., Salari F., Altomonte I., Ragona G., Mori F., Muscas G., Belli F., Corrias F., Novembre E. 2019. Donkey’s milk in the management of children with cow’s milk protein allergy: nutritional and hygienic aspect. Italian Journal of Pediatrics, 45, 102.
Bhardwaj A., Pal Y., Lengha R.A., Sharma P., Nayan V., Kumar S., Tripathi H., Tripathi B.N. 2020. Donkey milk composition and its therapeutic applications. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 90(6), 837-841.
Ottima alternativa per il mancato allattamento al seno.
Prasad B. 2020. Nutritional and Health Benefits of Donkey Milk. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Therapy, 6(1), 022-025.
Martini M., Altomonte I., Licitra R., Salari F. 2018. Nutritional and nutraceutical quality of donkey milk. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 65,33-37.
Ha un sapore gradevole.
Martini M., Altomonte I., Tricò D., Lapenta R., Salari F. 2021. Current Knowledge on Functionality and Potential Therapeutic Uses of Donkey Milk. Animals, 11, 1382.
E’ un naturale ipoallergenico.
Nayak M.C., Ramachandra C.T., Udaykumar N., Sharnagouda H., Nagraj N., Jagjivan R. 2017. Composition, Characteristics, Nutritional value and Health Benefits of Donkey Milk - A Review. Dairy Science & Technology, EDP sciences/Springer, hal-01538532. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01538532
Cunsolo V., Saletti R., Muccilli V., Gallina S., Di Francesco A., Foti S. 2017. Proteins and bioactive peptides from donkey milk: The molecular basis for its reduced allergenic properties. Review. Food Research International, 99, 1, 41-57.
Alta digeribilità.
Marletta D., Tidona F., Bodonaro S. 2012. Donkey Milk Proteins: Digestibility and Nutritional Significance. Chapter 10 in Milk Protein. Intech Open, 199-209.
Polidori P., Vincenzetti S. 2013. Use of Donkey Milk in Children with Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy. Foods, 2013, 2, 151-159.
Tidona F., Criscione A, Devold T.G., Bordonaro S., Marletta D., Vegarud G.E. 2014. Protein composition and micelle size of donkey milk with different protein patterns: Effects on digestibility. International Dairy Journal, 35, 1, 57-62
Proprietà antibatterica ed antinfiammatoria.
Šarić Lj.Ć., Šarić B.M., Mandić A.I., Torbica A.M., Tomić J.M., Cvetković D.D., Okanović D.G. 2012. Antibacterial properties of domestic Balkan donkey’s milk. International Dairy Journal, 25, 142-146.
Yvon S., Olier M., Leveque M., Jard G., Tormo H., Haimoud-Lekhal D.A., Peter M., Eutaméne H. 2016. Donkey milk consumption exerts anti-inflammatory properties by normalizing antimicrobial peptides levels in Paneth’s cells in a model of ileitis in mice. Eur J Nutr, DOI 10.1007/s00394-016-1304-z.
Aspri M., Souroullas K., Ioannou C., Papademas P. 2019. Physico-chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Protein Content of Early Lactation Donkey Milk. International Journal of Food Studies, 8, 68-75.
Massouras T., Bitsi N., Paramithiotis S.,Manolopoulou E., Drosinos E.H., Triantaphyllopoulou K.A. 2020. Microbial profile, antibacterial properties and chemical composition of raw donkey milk. Animals, 10, 2001.
Potenzia le difese immunitarie.
Li L., Liu X., Guo H. 2018. The nutritional ingredients and antioxidant activity of donkey milk and donkey milk powder. Food Sci Biotechnol. 12, 27(2), 393-40
Aiuta a prevenire l’osteoporosi post menopausa e senile.
Malacarne M., Criscione A., Franceshci P., Bordonaro S., Formaggioni P., Marletta D., Summer A. 2019. New Insights into Chemical and Mineral Composition of Donkey Milk throughout Nine Months of Lactation. Animals, 9, 1161.
Livelli più bassi di trigliceridi (i grassi che fanno male al cuore) allontanando il rischio di malattie coronariche, ipertensione, arteriosclerosi e trombosi.
Chiofalo B., Dugo P., Bonaccorsi I.L., Mondello L. 2011. Comparison of major lipid components in human and donkey milk: new perspectives for a hypoallergenic diet in humans. Journal of Immunopharmacology Immunotoxicology 1(12), 1-13.
Martemucci G., D’Alessandro A.G. 2012. Fat content, energy value and fatty acid profile of donkey milk during lactation and implications for human nutrition. Lipids in Health and Disease, 11, 113.
Ricco di calcio, indispensabile per la salute delle ossa, adulti e bambini.
Živkov Baloš M., Jakšić S., Mihaljev Ž., Ćupić Ž., Stojanov I., Apić J., Jovičin M. 2013.Trace elements levels in raw milk in Serbia. Veterinarski glasnik, 67, 5-6, 317-328.
Nayak C.M., Ramachandra C.T., Nidoni U., Hiregoudar S., Ram J., Naik N. 2020. Physico-chemical composition, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acid profile and sensory evaluation of donkey milk from Indian small grey breed. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(8), 2967-2974.